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Seminar: EU Green Week - from asbestos to solar panels

A Dutch solution to finance asbestos roof removal transformation.

Asbestos removal is a huge financial operation. The Dutch Province Overijssel is looking into public private partnerships in order to enable alternative financial solutions.

Private investors from the insulation or solar cell industry could invest in the removal and place solar panels upon asbestos-free renovated roofs. In return energy efficiency savings are ‘paid back’ to the investors or solar cell operators could get the right to use the available space on roofs for energy production. These are two examples of possible solutions.

The Dutch Province of Overijssel is one of the driving forces when it comes to accelerating the removal of asbestos roofs in the Netherlands. The target of the Dutch government is that in 2024 all asbestos roofs within its territory are removed and replaced by energy efficient new roofs.

With this ambition in mind, Overijssel would like to get in touch with other regions in the EU to exchange best practices and to generate inspiring ideas.

For this reason the Province of Overijssel is organising an information and discussion meeting during the EU ‘Green Week’ on 24 May 2018 from 9.00-12.00 hours at the House of the Dutch Provinces in Brussels.

Regional Minister and host of the event, Ms. Annemieke Traag: ’Overijssel wants to emphasise the innovative character of the provincial approach. Stimulating and initiating collaboration. Not only at government level, but also among private individuals and entrepreneurs.’

For more information please contact:

Ms. M.H.J. Brons - Ms. D. Huet-Bom -

Or have a look at our website for the programme:

(Organised and hosted by the Dutch Province of Overijssel in collaboration with ICODA European Affairs)


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